Project 4
Feature 1: Display Mouse position
Input: Mouse location
Process: Method is called
Output: Text is displayed on the top left corner showing X and Y of the mouse.
Feature 2: Create Objects
Input: Mouse Click
Process: Cue user to right click.
Output: an object is drawn where the mouse is clicked.A string of objects are created if it's dragged.
Feature 3: Change Color
Input: Dropdown menu
Process: Cue user to click the dropdown and choose a color
Output: The color of the paint changes to the color you choose
Feature 4: Change Rotation
Input: Slider
Process: Cue user to slide the slider
Output: The rotation of the last primitive created changes
Feature 5: Destroy
Input: Unity System
Process: Calls to destroy primitives
Output: 3D primitives destroyed in 1 second.
Feature 6 : Random Scale toggle
User Input: Toggle for random scale.
Process: Cue user to click on the toggle and primitives are created with a random scale between 0.1 and 1
Output: Scales cubes randomly if enabled.
Feature 7: Random Rotate Toggle
User Input: Toggle for random rotation.
Process: Cue user to click on the toggle and primitives are created with a random rotation between 50 and 360 degrees
Output: Cubes randomly rotate if enabled.
Feature 8: Reset Cube Array
User Input: Click the reset cubes button.
Process: Cue user to click cubes in the array and cue user to click reset button
Output: Resets the scale of all cubes on layer 11 to the predefined size (0.5, 0.5, 0.1).
Feature 9: Cube array
Input: Left mouse button click to scale cubes down or regular click on mac
Process: Cue user to click on any cube in the array and cube shrinks
Output: Cubes scale down to (0.01,0.01,0.01)
Feature 10: Clock
Input: finds the time through Using System
Process: Calculate rotation angles for hour, minute, and second hands, loop over and over in the Update
Output: Rotates the hour, minute, and second hands of a clock based on the current time
Feature 11: Color Changing background
Input: The game starting (void Start)
Process: Calculate new color based on current time and repeat Steps- Update Loop
Output: Sets the material of the background GameObject to “anotherMaterial” which jumps colors
Feature 12: Animated Color Background with slider
User Input: Toggle for random scale.
Process: Cue user to slide the slider left for a faster changing background or right for a slower animation.
Output: Reduce or increase animation speed cubes if enabled.
Feature 13: Animated Paint Brush with toggle
User Input: Toggle for visible paintbrush.
Process: Cue user to click on the toggle to see the animated paint brush
Output: Animated paint brush is visible and follows the mouse if enabled.
Feature 14: Animated Paint Strokes with clear button
User Input: Click the ‘clear animated cubes’ button
Process: Cue user to paint by right clicking and dragging on the screen. Then cue the user to hit the ‘clear animated cubes’ button.
Output: Clears all the animated cubes on the screen
Feature 15: Animated Paint Strokes with key clicks
Input: Click 1, 2, 3, 4, or 0 to change the state of the animation
Process: Cue user to click 1, 2, 3, 4, or 0
Output: 1 shows a rotation animation, 2 shows a change in metal animation, 3 shows a paused animation, 4 shows a scale animation and 0 shows everything at once.
Feature 16: Animated cube array
Input: Left mouse button click to scale cubes down while they are rotating or regular click on mac.
Process: Cue user to click on any cube in the array and cube shrinks
Output: Cubes scale down to (0.01,0.01,0.01)
Feature 17: View Time Toggle
Input: Toggle to show time/clock
Process: Cue user to check the toggle to show the time or uncheck it to hide the time
Output: Clock is visible if toggle is check and invisible if its unchecked